Site Decontamination Service
Decontaminating Your Site
A1 Chemical Waste Management Ltd provides a full Site Decontamination service across a wide range of industries, from building to ground contaminations.
Our experienced team of chemical engineers will assess and eliminate any risks to humans and the environment, whilst restoring your site to usable levels.
Assessing Your Contaminated Site
Our first priority is to assess your site and to establish the level and type of contamination. We will work out the best possible solution for a safe and effective decontamination.
A1 Chemical Waste Management Ltd will carry out things such as mapping, taking samples and performing analysis, including a full evaluation of facilities, such as ventilation and HVAC equipment.
We will work alongside any relevant agencies, such as the Health and Safety Executive and the Environment Agency if they are present and required.
Decontaminent Services
Site Decontamination
Once we know what type and the level of your contamination, we will put together our site decontamination plan including timescales, site restrictions and personnel. Our specialist teams will then begin the task of decontaminating your site.
If parts of your contaminated site cannot be safely cleansed, we will arrange the safe disposal of the through one of our specialist Hazardous Waste Waste disposal and treatment facilities.
Site Decontamination After Care
Part of our Site Decontamination Service is the after care. We will be able to, if required, monitor contamination levels, making sure that they stay below acceptable limits. We also provide you with consultative and on-going solutions which will prevent a recurrence of contamination issues.